【すどう美術館】館長のひとりごと その4「いい絵の基準」






今回、すどう美術館の須藤一郎館長からご協力いただき「すどう美術館 館長のひとりごと」を掲載致します。












すどう美術館 館長 須藤一郎








DEア ートでした。


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身近な現代アート【DEアート】Familiar contemporary art 【DE art】
有名な作家でなくても、いい作品を制作している作家がいるのをご存知でしょうか? 教科書に載るような現代アートではなく、身近な現代アートをご紹介しています。 自分の感覚に正直に「いい作品」を見つけてみてはいかがでしょう! 作家や作品を通して、お気に入りの作品との出会いに繋がると嬉しいです。 アートを暮らしに取り入れ、お...

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身近な現代アートの楽しみ方・How to enjoy familiar contemporary art.

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[ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ]Part 3 “Criteria for good artwork”

This blog is for those who loved art classes when they were kids. (Of course, if you weren’t good at it…)

If you go to museums but have never been to a gallery.

For those of you who want to hang paintings and artworks in your home, but don’t know how to go about it.

Here are some tips on how to enjoy contemporary art at home.

This time, with the cooperation of Ichiro Sudo, Director of Gallery SUDOH, we will be posting [ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] .

Criteria for good artwork

What makes a good painting?

I believe that there is no standard for what constitutes a good painting, and that if the viewer thinks it is a good painting, then it is a good painting. When I talk about this in my lectures, I am sometimes asked, “What is a good painting for you? My criterion for a good painting is whether or not I can die together with it. This is a bit of an exaggeration, but at the very least, it is whether or not I can hang on to that painting for the rest of my life.

Just like choosing a partner for marriage, we tend to choose a person based on whether or not he or she has a beautiful face, but if we do that, we will eventually get bored and regret it.
 In short, it’s not about superficial beauty or skill, but about the inner workings of the artist that resonates with us. I guess you could say that.

I tell artists, “You don’t paint because you are, you are the work of art. To make a good painting, it is important to enrich yourself, and you should put a lot of effort into things other than painting. And since you are the work of art, it is important to paint yourself as you are, not with the eyes of others in mind, and let them see the results of your painting.

This may sound a bit theoretical, but I think that choosing a good painting depends on how you feel the depth of the artist’s humanity, not on the fact that it is by a famous artist or that the price is high. There are many good paintings by young artists, even inexpensive ones, so I hope you will choose one from this perspective.

Finally, just for your information, I would like to share with you an example of a big gap between the value of a painting and its actual trading price.
 Some time ago, an auction company valued a not-so-large painting at 10,000 yen and tried to auction it off. However, because the painting had been brought in from a famous artist who had passed away, and because it resembled a work by Van Gogh, they referred it to the Van Gogh Society overseas just to be sure.

The price was raised to 3 million yen and auctioned off. Surprisingly, the price went up and up at the auction, and finally it was sold for 66 million yen. I heard that the successful bidder was a businessman from in the Hiroshima area.

Regardless of the initial valuation of 10,000 yen, this is an actual example where the price only went up due to factors other than the valuation. I say that since the valuation of 10,000 yen became 66 million yen, the difference, 65.99 million yen, is Van Gogh’s name fee.

Ichiro Sudoh

Collection of Gallery SUDOH

The Gallery SUDOH has a collection of about 400 pieces of contemporary art. I am now participating in the inventory process of listing them. I am enjoying this work. It is a steady process of taking out the works one by one, photographing them, and cleaning the frames. I open the package, excited to see what kind of work will come out next. It’s like, “Oh, how I miss this, this is so nice, next is Mr. ~’s work! That’s how I feel.
Contemporary art has a wide range of tendencies due to the freedom of expression, and I feel that tastes are dispersed. That’s why the Sudo couple’s keen eye is responsible for the collection of beautiful works that keep popping up.
The exhibition of the Gallery SUDOH collection is worth a visit, or rather, a must-see!

Thank you for reading to the end.
Have a good encounter with a work!
This was DE art.

Cooperation:Photo reference:Gallery SUDOH

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
