【落語】すどう美術館コレクションと一緒に観て聴く落語会 (立川流真打 立川志らら)
【創作朗読】小山田二郎《舞踏》(朗読家 御幸菜穂子)
【創作朗読】わたしはまだ生きている〜星崎幸之助《沙漠の花》からうまれた物語〜(朗読家 御幸菜穂子)
【創作朗読】ある大地のものがたり〜星崎幸之助《沙漠の花》からうまれた物語〜(朗読家 御幸菜穂子)
【朗読×音楽】汚れていて美しい絵ものがたり(語リスト 泉田洋子)
絵の森のコンサート(第1部) ~私たちのげんきアート・プロジェクト~(ヴァイオリン・大鹿由希 / クラシックギター・橋爪晋平)
絵の森のコンサート (第2部)~私たちのげんきアート・プロジェクト~(ヴァイオリン・大鹿由希 / ヴァイオリン・甲斐史子 / ヴィオラ・渡辺康仁)
絵の森のコンサート (第3部)~私たちのげんきアート・プロジェクト~(ヴァイオリン・大鹿由希 / ヴァイオリン・甲斐史子 / クラシックギター・橋爪晋平 / ヴィオラ・渡辺康仁 / コントラバス・佐藤洋嗣)
DEア ートでした。
引用元:「【多摩美術大学美術館】いつでもどこでも TAUM」
「ガモール志學亭」 http://thegamall.shop/shigakutei.html
Rakugo, recitations, and concerts heard in a contemporary artworks
I am happy if getting to know the artwork and the artist will lead you to an encounter with a special piece of art for you.
I hope to convey to you the pleasure of decorating your home with contemporary art and incorporating art into your daily life.
In this article, I would like to tell you about rakugo, recitations, and concerts at contemporary art exhibition venues.
A space with contemporary art can be an attractive venue.

This was recorded at “Ichiro Sudo and the World’s Smallest Museum Story” held at Tama Art University Museum in 2020. Please take a look!
[Rakugo] Watch and listen to Rakugo with the Gallery SUDOH Collection
[Creative Reading] Jiro Oyamada’s “Dancing Tread”
[Reading × Music] Dirty but Beautiful Picture Stories
Picture Forest Concert (Part 1) – Our Genki Art Project
Picture Forest Concert (Part 2) – Our Genki Art Project
Picture Forest Concert (Part 3) – Our Genki Art Project
Experiencing Rakugo and music in artworks may have a different atmosphere from listening to Rakugo and music in a venue with no surroundings.
When it comes to creative readings, they read original stories inspired by the works.
I was drawn in by this interesting attempt to expand the scope of art.
Enjoy contemporary artworks in your home or office!
Please contact us if you have any questions about our work or if you would like to exhibit works.
If you have any questions about our works, please feel free to use the inquiry form on the Top page. We look forward to your comments.
Thank you for reading to the end.
Have a good encounter with a work!
This was DE art.
Reference:「【Tama Art University Museum】Anytime, Anywhere TAUM」
Cooperation:Gallery SUDOH
Photo: “The 7th Gallery SUDOH Collection Exhibition” from Shirara Tatekawa’s rakugo performance in Gallery Zen (2022)
[Supplement] Rakugo by Master Shirara Tatekawa is held three times a month at this venue! 「Gamall Shigakutei」