Artwork 【Exhibition Information】 “Hyakka float May” The exhibition will be held at Coffee Shop Kauhiiya in Ningyocho! Come and enjoy delicious coffee and homemade cakes in a space with art! 2023.04.12 Artwork
Artwork 【Exhibition Information】Group Exhibition “Hyakka II 2023” Group exhibition by 7 artists at Session House Garden, Kagurazaka 2023.04.07 Artwork
Artist 【Artist】 Ken Asahina Video interview in the atelier "From one of a contemporary art studio. No.7", concept, profile 2023.03.29 ArtistYouTube
blog 【すどう美術館】館長のひとりごと その36「モデルハウスでの展示」 [ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] Part36 "Display at model house" 2023.03.16 blog
Artwork 【Exhibition Information】 “Hyakka float April” Three artists will exhibit at a coffee shop "Kauhiiya" in Ningyocho! 2023.03.15 Artworkblog
Artwork 【Video】Yoko Watanabe solo Exhibition “Memory of Water” You can watch the video of the exhibition ! 2023.03.04 ArtworkYouTube
Artwork 【Artwork】朝比奈 賢 Ken Asahina Introduction of works and exhibition information 2023.02.22 Artwork
Artwork 【現代アート】ドイツのバーチャルギャラリーで日本人作家がVR個展開催! 【kunstmatrix】のかんたんな操作方法で川田祐子さんの展覧会が4つも見られます! 2023.01.23 Artworkblog