blog 【Video】The 7th Gallery SUDOH Collection Exhibition You can watch the archived video of the exhibition ! 2022.10.24 blogYouTube
Artwork 【Video】Yuko Sugimoto Exhibition 2022 You can watch the archived video of the exhibition ! 2022.10.04 ArtworkYouTube
Artist 【Artist】 Taiko Horiguchi・Part 2 Contemporary artist, Taiko Horiguchi introduces one of her best-known works, "Kina," along with a video. 2022.08.22 ArtistYouTube
Artist 【Artist】 Taiko Horiguchi・Part 1 Contemporary artist, Taiko Horiguchi introduces one of her best-known works, "Shuhari Bina," along with a video. 2022.08.22 ArtistYouTube
Artwork 【Video】Yoshie Tonegawa Exhibition – Overflowing Forms – Exhibition video is now available! Biography and words of the artist are posted. 2022.06.17 ArtworkYouTube
Artwork 【展覧会動画】「第22回小田原もあ展 新しいストーリーの始まり」 Exhibition movie "The 22nd Odawara Moa Exhibition: The Beginning of a New Story 2022.05.11 ArtworkYouTube