今回は、すどう美術館 須藤一郎館長の「館長のひとりごと」を掲載します。
Scroll down to see the English description.
9月(2023年)17日(日)から24日(土)まで秦野の「ぎゃらりー ぜん」で「すどう美術館収蔵作品展」を開催しました。ディレクターの多賀薫さんから毎年ご依頼があり、今年が8回目になります。
作品を選んだ基準はいつものように、初めて見ていただくものを前提にしましたが、最近私が書きました「評伝 田口雅巳」に合わせ、田口さんの全貌がわかっていただけるよう、田口作品を多めに展示したこと、1点だけですが私の尊敬する窪田さんの作品、それに本年新たに寄贈を受けた原さんの作品4点を展示したこと、シートのまま眠っていた、舩坂、大矢お二人の版画を額装して展示したことなどが特徴です。
会期中は群馬県の太田や埼玉県の入間など遠方からの方を含め、たくさんの皆さんに鑑賞いただくことができましたが、特に二日目の9月18日(月 祝)に行ったイベントについてご報告したいと思います。
すどう美術館 館長 須藤一郎

[ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] Part49 “Commentary, Reading, and Rakugo at the Zen exhibition”
This is a blog that introduces contemporary art works that can be hung in your home.
I would like to share with you the joy of incorporating art into your daily life.
I hope that by looking at the artworks and artists, you will be able to encounter a special piece of art for yourself.
This time, with the cooperation of Ichiro Sudoh, Director of Gallery SUDOH, I will be posting [ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] .
Commentary, Reading, and Rakugo at the Zen exhibition
From September (2023) 17 (Sun.) to 24 (Sat.), “Gallery SUDOH Collection Works Exhibition” was held at ” Gallery Zen” in Hadano. The director, Mr. Kaoru Taga, has requested us to hold this exhibition every year, and this year was the 8th time.
This year’s exhibition featured 25 works selected from five painters. Two of them, Masaki Kubota and Masami Taguchi, have already passed away, but three of them, Yoshisuke Funasaka, Daisuke Hara, and Masaaki Ohya, are still active in various fields, although there is an age difference between them.
As usual, the criteria for selecting works were based on the assumption that they would be seen for the first time, but in line with my recent book “Critique: Masami Taguchi”, I exhibited more Taguchi’s works to give visitors a full picture of him, one work by Kubota-san, whom I respect. The exhibition also features four works by Hara-san, who newly donated his work this year, and two prints by Funasaka and Ohya, both of which were left on their sheets and are now framed.
During the exhibition, many people, including those from as far away as Ota in Gunma Prefecture and Iruma in Saitama Prefecture, were able to view the exhibition, and I would like to report on an event held on the second day, Monday, September 18 (national holiday) in particular.
I started at 3:00 p.m. with my “explanation” of the artworks. To my delight, we had prepared 40 chairs, but they were not enough and had to be replenished.
As always, I do not give explanations of the work, such as “this is how you should look at this work. I talk about the artist’s personal history and the circumstances surrounding his or her activities. This is because I would like to leave the view of the work to the viewer’s sensibilities.
Since many of them were first-timers, I had to spend an hour explaining how I got involved in art activities, as well as briefly introducing Yoko Izumida, a reading performer, and Shirara Tatekawa, a rakugo storyteller, afterward.
From 4:00, Izumida-san appeared for the first time at this event. She read two stories that she had created herself in a resonant voice. One was about the famous tempura restaurant “Tenichi” in Ginza, Tokyo, and was a story about people living in Ginza. The other story, to my surprise, was about me. It was a story about my life around the galleries in the Ginza area. I had not been informed of this beforehand, so I was surprised.
Following last year’s performance, Shirara Master gave two classical Rakugo talks, “Chiritotetin” and “Hatsutenjin,” which drew a lot of laughs. He also told an exquisite story about Tatekawa Danshi, the first generation of rakugo storyteller, and I wish I could tell a story like that.
I hope that everyone who attended was pleased with the event and that we will be able to do the reading and rakugo again next year at this location in conjunction with the exhibition of works.
Ichiro Sudoh

Cooperation:Gallery Zen・ Gallery SUDOH
Contemporary Art and Rakugo/Recitation
This was recorded at “Ichiro Sudo and the World’s Smallest Museum Story” held at Tama Art University Museum in 2020. Please take a look!
Rakugo, recitations, and concerts heard in a contemporary artworks
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)