【すどう美術館】館長のひとりごと その41「落語の台本」

タイトル写真 blog



 今回は、すどう美術館 須藤一郎館長の「館長のひとりごと」を掲載します。













すどう美術館 館長 須藤一郎



[ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] Part41 “Rakugo script”

This is a blog that introduces contemporary art works that can be hung in your home.
I would like to share with you the joy of incorporating art into your daily life.

I hope that by looking at the artworks and artists, you will be able to encounter a special piece of art for yourself.

 This time, with the cooperation of Ichiro Sudoh, Director of Gallery SUDOH, I will be posting [ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] .

Rakugo script

There is one thing I feel I have done wrong.

When Shirara Tatekawa, a master of the Tatekawa style, became Futatsume, I promised to write a Rakugo script for him. I don’t remember whether I said I would write it or he asked me to write it.

When I was a child, there was no such thing as television, so I often listened to Rakugo on the radio. I was so excited about it that I once declared that I would become a Rakugoka when I grew up. But my mother told me, “if you become a Rakugoka, you will probably become popular, and that will cause some Rakugoka to fail. I feel sorry for you, so you should give up”. Because of this experience, I guess I thought that the script would be easy.

However, it is very difficult. I have no idea how to make my storytelling style fit or interesting.

I even tried reading some classic Rakugo scripts for reference, but nothing seemed to fit.

Therefore, the ability of rakugo storytellers who create and perform new rakugo by themselves is amazing. It is also interesting to note that even rakugoka who mainly perform classical rakugo use stories for their pillows and stories for connecting two or three stories. I listen to Shirara-san’s stories about pillows, etc. with great admiration. It is a great learning experience.

So, I write essays and various other kinds of writing, but I have a hard time working on the scripts I accept. I think about writing well, don’t I?

Every time I meet with Shirara-san, he rushes me to ask if the script is ready yet. My close associates and I are also pressured, “Director, when will the script be ready?”

The other day, I went to “Shirara Tatekawa’s Rakugo” and had a few beers afterwards. He said, “When you pass away, I’m sure that everyone who has known you for a long time will bring in your huge diary, asking me to read it and talk about you. I don’t want that. Just write a script for me, just a story about you and your wife. I will make it interesting.”

I decided that if they were thinking that far ahead, then I would be prepared, and that night I started to write a page or so of the script, but then I stopped.

I wondered if I would be able to continue the story well. I am looking forward to seeing how it goes.

Ichiro Sudoh

*Please come and enjoy Master Shirara Tatekawa ‘s rakugo every month at Shigakutei, where he serves as manager!

Cooperation: Gallery SUDOH

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
