Artwork 【Video】Satoru Negi Exhibition|Gallery A BIENTOT Exhibition Video, Artist Biography, and Artwork Sales 2024.09.17 ArtworkYouTube
Artwork 【Video】Gallery SUDOH planning Exhibition “NEW STORY”| Gallery Zen You can watch a video of the exhibition “Gallery SUDOH Planning Exhibition NEW STORY” held at Gallery Zen. 2024.07.29 ArtworkYouTube
Artwork 【展覧会のお知らせ】すどう美術館企画展「NEW STORY」|ぎゃらりーぜん Information on Gallery SUDOH Exhibition "NEW STORY", including videos of artists, is presented here. 2024.05.18 Artwork
Artwork 【Video】”Shinichi Oikawa Exhibition MIZIKANAKATCHI”|Gallery YORI You can watch a video of the Shinichi Oikawa exhibition held at the Gallery YORI in Yoyogiuehara, Tokyo. 2024.05.13 ArtworkYouTube
Artwork 【展覧会のお知らせ|Exhibition Information】第25回小田原もあ展 This is the Odawara “MOA”! The 25th Odawara "MOA" Exhibition 【This is the Odawara "MOA"!】 2024.03.28 Artwork