YouTube 【Video】Urara Saito Exhibition|Ashikaga Museum of Art (Special Exhibition Room) You can watch a video of the exhibition "Dictionary ~Inner Echoes~" by Urara Saito held in the special exhibition room of Ashikaga Museum of Art. 2023.10.15 YouTube
YouTube 【Video】Harumi Miyatsuka Exhibition|Gallery Ueda You can see a video of the "Harumi Miyatsuka Exhibition" held at Gallery Ueda in Ginza. 2023.10.13 YouTube
Artwork 【展覧会のお知らせ|Exhibition Information】渡辺洋子 個展-in the H₂O- 以前の展覧会動画も加え、今回の展覧会情報をお届けします。 2023.10.04 Artwork
Artwork 【展覧会のお知らせ|Exhibition information】すどう美術館収蔵作品展〈ぎゃらりーぜん〉 以前の展覧会風景を含め、今回の展覧会の詳細をお知らせします。 Details of this exhibition, including scenes from previous exhibitions, are provided below. 2023.09.02 Artwork
Artwork 【展覧会のお知らせ|Exhibition Information】さいとううらら展 開催中の「さいとううらら展 Dictionaly〜内なる響き〜」をお知らせいたします。 2023.08.29 Artwork
YouTube 【Video】Maki Kaneko Exhibition|muni You can watch a video of the "Maki Kaneko Exhibition" held at Gallery Cafe muni in Hasuda, Saitama, Japan. 2023.07.25 YouTube
blog 【すどう美術館】館長のひとりごと その43「ARTOY展」 [ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] Part43 "ARTOY Exhibition" 2023.07.11 blog
Artwork 【Video】Coffee shop with good coffee and art appreciation.(Ningyocho,Tokyo) Video of the "Hyakka float May" exhibition! 2023.07.08 ArtworkYouTube