今回は、すどう美術館 須藤一郎館長の「館長のひとりごと」を掲載します。
学生時代の親友、横田淳(俳号 寿運庵)兄が主宰する山麓句会という会に誘われ、月2句作ってメールで送ればいいというので、それなら何とかできるかと安易に乗ってしまったのがきっかけでした。
・ご飯粒ほっぺにつけてはぁるよ来い ・指にあてサボテンの棘失せし恋
・蟻が行くみんな同じ歩幅かな ・空っぽの頭で夏の石投げる
・耳鳴りの奥にそっと秋を置く ・冬銀河僕の居る場所確かめり
最後になりますが、私の俳号は鈍庵。山麓句会では男は庵を女は茶を使うことになっており、それに三井財閥の大立者で風流人であった益田鈍翁(本名 孝)から鈍の一文字いただいたことにしています。本当は鈍な人間だからなのですが…。
すどう美術館 館長 須藤一郎
DEア ートでした。
協力 すどう美術館
写真引用元:すどう美術館資料 出前美術館より

[ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] Part16 “My Haiku Discussion”
I suggest that by getting to know the artists and artworks, you will feel familiar with contemporary art and find your favorite works.
I hope to convey to you the pleasure of decorating your home with contemporary art and incorporating art into your daily life.
This time, with the cooperation of Ichiro Sudo, Director of Gallery SUDOH, I will be posting [ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] .
My Haiku Discussion
I cannot play Go or Shogi.
I cannot play golf or mah-jongg.
I am also a clumsy person who cannot draw.
However, I was hooked on Haiku for a while.
I was invited to join a group called Sanroku Haiku Kai, which was organized by the brother of my best friend from school, Jun Yokota (haiku name: Junan).
I was told that all I had to do was write two haiku a month and send them by e-mail, so I thought I could make it work.
As I continued, I began to become enthusiastic about it.
During the period when I opened a gallery in Ginza, I invited the painter and haiku poet Ban Sei Hata as my teacher, and we held monthly haiku gatherings at the gallery.
I continued to write haiku for almost 20 years after that, but I was reminded that I had no talent for haiku either.
Furthermore, my wife sometimes accused me of making only dark haiku or love haiku at a good age, and before I knew it, I had moved away from them.
Nevertheless, my interest in haiku remains, and I still read the haiku columns of newspapers without fail.
I also look forward to watching the weekly haiku program “Prevato” featuring haiku poet Itsuki Natsui on TV.
Yesterday (May 1, 2022), I happened to turn on the TV and saw with great interest the NHK National Haiku Competition just starting.
In addition, a nearby couple who are avid haiku poets send me their haiku collection every month, asking me to check the results of their monthly haiku gatherings, which I enjoy reading.
My sister has been involved in haiku for a long time and sometimes sends me prize-winning haiku. I am thinking of reviving it when the time comes. I don’t have a wife to give harsh criticism anymore.
I am encouraged by the fact that my father was a haiku poet before his death and left behind some quite good haiku.
By the way, I am ashamed of my previous haiku, but I would like to share a few of them with you for your reference. I would be very grateful if you could give me your warm but severe advice on whether you think it is impossible to revive my work.
【Since it is difficult to translate haiku into English, I will describe them as they are in Japanese.】
・ご飯粒ほっぺにつけてはぁるよ来い ・指にあてサボテンの棘失せし恋
・蟻が行くみんな同じ歩幅かな ・空っぽの頭で夏の石投げる
・耳鳴りの奥にそっと秋を置く ・冬銀河僕の居る場所確かめり
My haiku name is “Don-an “.
In the Sanroku Haiku Club, men were supposed to use “-an” and women ” -cha”.
I got the name from a character for “Don” from the founder of the Mitsui Zaibatsu, Masuda Donoh (real name: Takashi). I chose this name because I am actually a dull person…
Ichiro Sudoh
Benefits of Entertainment Programs
I like to watch “Prepad” a lot, which the director featured in haiku program.
Before that program, haiku was only featured on NHK’s educational programs.
It was not as interesting a program as many would see it.
For a haiku lover, the image was serious and formal.
The great thing about “Prepad” is that it’s entertainment.
It offers something funny, and in haiku. Not to mention the excellent corrections by Itsuki Natsui.
I am one of those who got interested in haiku from the program.
Other activities include watercolor painting, eraser stamps, blackboard art, and picture letter writing.
So what happens when contemporary art is incorporated into entertainment?
I thought that if we could share the curiosity and attachment to artwork that comes from taking it seriously, it would be an opportunity for people who have never been interested in contemporary art to become more familiar with it.
Thank you for reading to the end.
Have a good encounter with a work!
This was DE art.
Cooperation Gallery SUDOH