【展覧会のお知らせ】第9回すどう美術館作品展 ー人間讃歌ー 菅 創吉 展|ぎゃらりーぜん




Scroll down to see the English description.

 今回は、第9回すどう美術館作品展ー人間讃歌ー 菅 創吉 展をお知らせいたします。


(作品展に寄せてすどう美術館 館長 須藤一郎さんよりいただいた文章を掲載いたします)


 早速ですが、すどう美術館では9月1日(日)から8日(日)まで秦野市のぎゃらりーぜんで「第9回 すどう美術館作品展 ー人間讃歌ー菅創吉展」を開催いたします。[4日(水)休廊]



 また、同日4時からは昨年に続き、語リスト 泉田洋子さんの朗読と立川流真打 立川志らら師匠の落語という豪華なイベントも行われます。



 すどう美術館 須藤一郎

展覧会名:ー人間讃歌ー 菅 創吉 展

作家:菅 創吉



時間:11:00 ~ 16:00

会場:ぎゃらりー ぜん

・秦野市立野台1-2-5 十全堂薬局ビル2F  050-3555-4031


「菅 創吉の人と作品」

すどう美術館 館長 須藤一郎




・会費:2,000円(要予約 定員40名)

・朗読 語リスト: 泉田洋子

・落語 立川流真打:立川志らら









 This blog introduces contemporary artworks that can be hung in your home, in the hope of conveying the joy of incorporating art into your daily life.

I hope that by getting to know the artworks and artists, you will be able to find a special piece of artwork that will be of interest to you.

 This time, we would like to announce “The 9th Gallery SUDOH Exhibition – Hymn to Humanity – Sokichi Suga Exhibition”.

Venue:Gallery Zen

 (The following is a text from Ichiro Sudo, Director of the Gallery SUDOH, in response to the exhibition of artworks.)

 It has been extremely hot every day. Is there anything wrong with you?

 The Gallery SUDOH will hold the “The 9th Gallery SUDOH
Exhibition – Hymn to Humanity – Sokichi Suga Exhibition” at Gallery ZEN in Hadano from September 1 (Sun.) to 8 (Sun.), 2012. [The gallery will be closed on Wednesday, September 4.

 In 1982, I encountered a work by Sokichi Suga (1905-1982) and was so impressed with its charm that I purchased one. Sokichi Suga said, “I like human beings,” and his works are based on his warmth and kindness toward them. Several of his works will be exhibited for the first time at this exhibition.

 During the exhibition, I will be giving a lecture on “The Life and Works of Sokichi Suga” on Saturday, September 7, from 3:00 p.m.

On the same day, from 4:00 pm, there will be a reading by storyteller Yoko Izumida and a rakugo performance by Tatekawa Shirara, a Tatekawa-style rakugo master.

 I hope that many of you will visit the exhibition. I will be at the gallery every day to welcome you and talk with you.

 Thank you very much for your kind attention.

Ichiro Sudoh

Title: The 9th Gallery SUDOH Exhibition – Hymn to Humanity – Sokichi Suga Exhibition

Artists: Sokichi Suga

Dates: September 1 (Sun) – 8 (Sun), 2024 (Closed on Wednesday, September 4)

Hours: 11:00 – 16:00

Venue: Gallery Zen

    1-2-5 Tatsunodai, Hadano, Kanagawa 050-3555-4031


“The Life and Works of Sokichi Suga”

Ichiro Sudoh, Director, Gallery SUDOH

September 7 (Sat.) from 15:00

Reading and Rakugo

September 7 (Sat.) from 16:00

Fee: 2,000 yen (reservation required, maximum 40 people)

Reading: Yoko Izumida

Rakugo :Shirara Tatekawa, Tatekawa-style rakugo master.

Gallery SUDOH :0465-36-0740:090-2473-0211:info@sudoh-art.com

Click here to see the related article.↓

How did Sokichi Suga see the world when he was born about 120 years ago?

Can we see in his paintings something of what he must have felt when he was alive?

How do people feel when they see his works?

His works still live and breathe without fading and fascinate many people.

What do you think when you see his paintings?

This is an exhibition that we would like you to see.
