今回は、2022年3月5日から3月20日に丹沢湖畔の宿、落合館で開催される「百花 for Noriko Sudoh」展によせ、すどう美術館の副館長を師匠と呼ぶ、アーティスト朝比奈賢さんの言葉を載せたいと思います。
こちらは、朝比奈さんが代表で運営している【湘南アートベース】で2020年8月に発行した通信[TRUE COLORS]より抜粋しております。
[追悼] アートの師匠に向けて
2020年1月27日、すどう美術館 副館長・須藤紀子さんが永眠されました。副館長は私にとって、アートの師匠であり、魂の恩人です。アートの本質、プロジェクトの組み立て方、進行の仕方を実践で学ばせていただき、その面白みを知りました。副館長がいなければ、画家活動を続けられていたか分かりませんし、まず湘南アートベースを立ち上げていなかったと思います。
心理学者マズローは欲求5段階説を唱え、晩年に6段階目「自己超越」を発表しました。その特徴は、①「在ること」(Being)の世界についてよく知っている ②「在ること」(Being)のレベルに生きている ③ 統合された意識を持つ ④ 落ち着いて瞑想的な認知をする ⑤ 深い洞察を得た経験がある ⑥ 他人の不幸に罪悪感を抱く ⑦ 創造的 ⑧ 謙虚 ⑨ 聡明 ⑩ 多視点的な思考ができる (11) 外見は普通[Wiki]とあります。
話は変わりますが、将棋の世界で、羽生名人が起死回生の一手を打ち、プロ棋士の解説者が、その発想のスケールのあまりの大きさに絶句し、間もなく驚きの叫びを上げることがあります。副部長はそのような奇跡の一手を連発する方でした。どう考えても不可能としか思えない、「アーティスト・イン・レジデンス小田原」や被災地支援の「東日本元気アート」などの困難な巨大プロジェクトを、大きな資本に頼らず、知恵をしぼりにしぼって草の根運動で実現してしまう。誰もが思いつかない発想をし、そのアイデアで誰もが行動できるようになる。参加するみなが生き生きとそれぞれの能力を発揮し、大きな感動が生み出される。疲れ果てて終わるのではなく、またみなでやろう! と力が湧いてくる。
朝比奈 賢

「天国の冠」”Heaven’s Crown”
DEア ートでした。
作品の著作権は、作家にあります。 複製、映像の無断転載等はご遠慮ください。
【Special Edition】 for the Memorial Exhibition “Hyakka for Noriko Sudoh”〈My art mentor〉
This blog is for those who are interested in art and go to museums, but have never been to a gallery.
For those who would like to hang paintings or artwork in their homes but do not know how to do so, I will show you how to enjoy contemporary art in your home.
My art mentor
In conjunction with the exhibition “Hyakka for Noriko Sudoh” to be held at Ochiaikan, an inn by Lake Tanzawa, from March 5 to March 20, 2022.
I would like to include the words of artist Ken Asahina, who calls the deputy director of the Gallery SUDOH his art mentor.
This is an article excerpted from a newsletter [TRUE COLORS] issued in August 2020 by Shonan Art Base, which is run by Mr. Asahina as a representative.
[Memorial ] Toward the my art mentor
Noriko Sudo, deputy director of Gallery S UDOH, passed away on January 27, 2020. The deputy director is an art mentor and soul benefactor to me. I learned the essence of art, how to assemble and proceed with a project in practice, and learned the fun of it. Without her, I don’t know if I would have been able to continue my activities as a painter, and I don’t think I would have established Shonan Art Base in the first place.
[Surpass yourself]
Psychologist Maslow advocated the five-stage theory of needs, and in his later years published the sixth stage, “self-transcendence. It is characterized by (1) familiarity with the world of being, (2) living at the level of being, (3) integrated consciousness, (4) calm and meditative cognition, (5) experience of deep insight, (6) guilt at the misfortune of others, (7) creative
(8) Humble (9) Intelligent (10) Multi-perspective thinking (11) Normal in appearance[Wiki].
It is said.
[It’s like telepathy]
I did not tell her because she showed no interest in this kind of analysis, but I feel that all of these characteristics apply to the deputy curator. Strangely enough, I often received a call from the deputy curator at the very moment when I thought she might be about to call me. It was like telepathy, but I think it was because the deputy curator had a parallel understanding of your situation.
[Invisible Aura]
The “outwardly ordinary” aspect of the transcendent human being is the point, and its greatness cannot be understood without deep contact. Generally, people say that a celebrity, for example, has an aura, but the deputy director does not seem to have that aura at first glance. I think this is because she does not have the awareness to distinguish herself as being outstanding from others.
[What is a transcendent person?]
For 16 years, I have been overwhelmed by the amazing way in which the deputy director has given up her life to help others without any regard for her own interests. But I have never felt inferior because of that. Rather, it is the way she lives her life that shakes me and inspires me to have the courage to act. I believe that Gallery SUDOH is a place that brings out the best in me, and that is the reason why I have continued to attend. It is overwhelmingly amazing, yet it is always there to lean on and be there for me. And everyone feels that way. This is why I consider the deputy director to be a transcendent person.
[Miraculous move]
To change the subject, in the world of Shogi, there are times when Meijin Habu plays a move that will bring him back to life, and the professional commentator is immensely impressed by the sheer scale of the idea, and soon exclaims in amazement. The deputy director was a person who made a series of such miraculous moves. She would take on huge and difficult projects, such as the “Artist in Residence in Odawara” and the “Genki Art Power Project of East Japan” to support the disaster-stricken areas, which seemed impossible by any stretch of the imagination, and realize them through a grassroots movement, not relying on big capital, but on her own wisdom and resourcefulness. They come up with ideas that no one else can come up with, and with those ideas, everyone can take action. Everyone participating in the project will be able to vividly demonstrate their respective abilities, and great excitement will be generated. Instead of ending up exhausted, let’s all do it again! and strength.
[I will carry on her will]
I would still like to ask for the opinion of the deputy director every time I have a problem. It is a relief to hear just a few words, and I can see the way forward. However, now that this is not possible, I am working while imagining how the deputy director would make a decision. No matter what I do, I am not as good as the deputy director, but I would like to at least take over her will and build my own way of doing things.
Ken Asahina

This work is on display in this memorial exhibition and is one that I hope you will see.
”Heaven’s Crown”
As for his work, Mr. Asahina writes
“This work is dedicated to my art mentor, the late Noriko Sudo, deputy director of the Gallery SUDOH (passed away on January 27, 2020). I am crowning her to heaven because she gave awards to young artists and never received any herself.”
Mr. Asahina’s first encounter with Gallery SUDOH was in 2004, when he applied for the “Foreign Students in Madrid” program. At the time, he was in the midst of his struggle and hesitation to become a painter, and was surprised to see the sentence “No conditions will be attached after returning to your country” in the application guidelines. It stated, “We will send you to study abroad without asking for anything in return.” The director and deputy director of the gallery had conducted this interview for every exhibition and project. Of course, the artwork is important, but what kind of person is he or she? It doesn’t matter what their backgrounds are. It was inevitable and a result of their keen eyesight that they selected Mr. Asahina, who had only a short history of painting at the time, from among 24 applicants.
Gallery SUDOH, which has always been involved in projects to support young painters, has the “Messages from Young Painters” exhibition. This is also an exhibition of those who were interviewed and selected. The grand prize winner is selected from among them (the grand prize includes the purchase of the work and the holding of a solo exhibition). The method of selecting the grand prize winner is also unique: the past grand prize winners get together and vote for two winners each. I have also voted when I was a staff member. Everyone exchanges opinions about what they thought was good or bad about the artwork. The director and deputy director listen attentively. However, the decision is made by the director and the deputy director, and the one whose opinion is unanimous wins the grand prize. The announcement is made at the opening party on the first night of the “Messages from Young Artists” exhibition. I am sure I am not the only one who is in awe of their ability to see through every time I see them!
I thought, each time, that it was a good award ceremony that showed that these two people wanted to support this person.
Ken Asahina won the Grand Prize in 2006.Since then, he has been a great supporter with Gallery SUDOH in various projects.
Thank you for reading to the end.
Have a good encounter with a work!
This was DE art.
Cooperation:Shonan ART BASE
Cooperation :Gallery SUDOH
The copyright of the work is held by the artist. Please do not reproduce or reprint without permission.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)