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画像作品「wine」「wine table」杉本裕子




【Living with Art】
Recommended when there is a lot of information and you are confused about something.

 Many people feel that there is a lot of information these days.

Television and radio provide constant information, while YouTube and Netflix provide customized information that is of interest to you. It’s interesting, and you can’t help but watch it for a long time.

Google search is becoming an integral part of my children’s homework. No, it’s already there. This is because learning to research something is much faster than going to the library, looking for a book, and finding the part of the book you want.

I can’t help but feel that the days of being in the midst of information overload can unintentionally cloud our judgment. Have you ever had the experience of surfing the net, trying to pick out the right thing from this information to avoid being at a disadvantage?

Similarly, I search for what I want to know, and then read some articles to make a decision. I will refer to an article that I think is correct, but it may not be the right answer for me.

I feel that the more important things are, the less I can rely on someone else’s articles. I do refer to them. However, it is up to me to make decisions and take actions. It’s self-responsibility. I hear this word a lot these days, too. In the past, I feel that joint responsibility was more common, but now I rarely hear it.

 So, the reason why “contemporary art” is so important to me is that abstract expression helps me to think about myself objectively.

When I see an abstract painting or installation that at first glance seems to have no meaning or I don’t know what it is, I ask myself, “What is this? The colors are beautiful, and it looks like __.

I personally believe that simply looking at a work of art, feeling it, and thinking about it helps to clear one’s mind.I feel at peace in front of my favorite piece of art.

For example, some of the works you see in art museums are based on the background of the situation of the time, such as those that revolutionize the art world or those that appeal to social issues.

The works I am referring to here are not on such a large scale, but rather the works of the artists exhibited in the gallery.

Of course, some of the works by artists showing at galleries also raise issues in society. However, the difference between a gallery and a museum is that many of the works can be incorporated into your own life.

When there are artworks in my house, I can reset my mind by looking at them when I feel a little hazy, mentally tired, or unable to think clearly.

That may or may not make everything all right, but in my case, it makes me feel saved.

It’s important that it’s there for us to see even if we don’t try to look at it.

 When I look at the artists, I feel that to be sincere about their works is to be sincere about themselves. To be sincere with oneself is to be sincere with society as well.

For this reason, many of the artists who create good works are erudite and sensitive to social conditions. Many of them have their own opinions about society, and their works are often filled with a small hope that this world will move in a better direction.

Perhaps because it is such a work, my mind and feelings become clearer when I watch it.

This is a time to sit in front of your work and become still, to look at yourself objectively, and to face yourself. It’s a time when you can clear your mind and calmly see what you want to do, your assumptions and misconceptions.

It might be similar to when you are doing yoga or meditating.

I feel encouraged when I think of the various emotions that the artist must have gone through in creating this work, such as hesitation, conflict, and joy.

 The good thing about abstract expression is that it can be interpreted freely. And it suits the modern home as an interior decoration. The atmosphere is completely different if there are abstract works in the house or not.

Everyone is different in what they feel comfortable looking at and what they like.

I will introduce them on social networking sites and on this blog, but please actually visit the exhibition to feel the texture and the energy of the works, and hang the ones you like in your home.

How about taking in some ” contemporary art ” to help you keep yourself grounded and unencumbered by so much information!

This blog is for people who are interested in art and go to museums, but have never been to a gallery.

For those who want to hang paintings and artworks in their homes but don’t know how to do it, here are some tips on how to enjoy contemporary art in your home.

In this article, I wrote about why I recommend keeping “contemporary art” close to you the more information you have and the more confused you are about something.

Thank you for reading to the end.

Have a good encounter with your work!

It was a DE art.

Related Articles 
【Let’s try to hang the artwork in your home!】YouTube

How to purchase artworks in the gallery [5 steps].YouTube
