関連記事「作家 出口道吉 Artist Michiyoshi Deguchi」 ←この記事の中に「現代アートのアトリエからNo.4」があります。
協力 すどう美術館

【From one of a contemporary art studio. No.4】To create, to buy, and to preserve contemporary art.
As mentioned in the previous article by contemporary artist Michiyoshi Deguchi.
It is a challenge for artists to preserve their works into the future.
Materials physically decay. It is the natural order of things. Just as people decay and die, art works are not universal. A historical work of art is protected by human hands. They are valued and remain as valuable things.
Evaluation and value do not always come in the lifetime of the artist. That is why, as Mr. Deguchi puts it, “Evaluation and the market are important to preserve the work. If there is a market, the work will be sold. If you can sell even one piece of work, there is a chance that it will be cherished by the person and survive. Furthermore, there is a possibility that your work will eventually become the subject of evaluation. If you are appreciated, people will take good care of you.”
So, how exactly does he try to preserve his work? “Photographs are not durable. Besides, photographs are too raw. It’s better to make a copy for my works. I print my photos on a laser printer and apply a UV blocking liquid. I tried this with my photos, but the ink came out. The printer, paper, and UV protection were all tested and tested again and again until the current form was achieved.” As for the acrylic sheets, he is always thinking of better ways to cut them, either by cutting them out himself or by hiring a specialized company. In order to take his works to overseas art fairs, he considers the best way to make them compact and easy for anyone to install. The concept of Ms. Deguchi’s work in particular is to “record. If we can preserve many of his works, they will be of great value to future generations.
In Japan, conditions are not good for paper, paint, and steel because of the humidity and climate changes. When a work of art depicts something on paper, it is often glued to a mat and framed for display. The glue can also cause discoloration. Moisture can cause mold to grow on the paint, and drying can cause the paint to peel off. It can also melt in the heat. The paper itself absorbs moisture and discolors, and the canvas inevitably decays. It may be fine for 10 years, but it is difficult to preserve it unchanged for 30 or 50 years. It is extremely difficult in our living environment to keep them unchanged. Maintaining a good condition for a long time is a challenge for both the artist and the owner of the work.
As one fact.
Works that are frequently exhibited are more likely to be in good condition. The works by Sohkichi Suga in the collection of Gallery Sudoh are all more than 50 years old since they were created. Most of them are framed, but without glass. The director of Gallery Sudoh displays these works really well. They don’t look like they are deteriorating. They shine with the charm of the work. (They are not shiny because of the dull color scheme.)
It has a warm glow, like an energy that comes from the bottom. There is no time when Gallery Sudoh director Mr.Sudh doesn’t hang “Kochu” on. He is still stuck in the “Tsubo”.
For an artist, how to create a work that is loved is as important as, or perhaps even more important than, its reputation.
The Added Value of Owning a Work of Art
This brings us back to the first point.
Distribution increases the probability that the work will be passed on and protected by people. This is the importance of the market. So, for example, what if you were involved in that? The theme of this blog is to hang your favorite artwork in your home. Yes, buying a piece of art and enjoying it at home is more than just an added value, it’s about protecting the piece, protecting the artist! I myself don’t think that much about hanging artworks in my house. I just hang them because I like them. Listening to Mr. Deguchi’s talk made me realize this.
When I buy a piece of art, I like it and want to hang it in my house! Another reason is that I want to support the artist! It is the same psychology as those who have a favorite actor or singer. I check out the movies that my favorite actors are in, and I always look forward to the new songs of my favorite singers.
If you come across a piece of art you like and want to hang it in a familiar place, such as your home or office, practice it. Living with art not only enriches you from the inside out, but even just hanging it up protects the work and the artist.
It also opens up the possibility that your work will be appreciated in the future and loved by future generations! I think that intervening in the process of preserving good works of art for future generations by hanging pictures in houses is one of the added values involved in art.
Thank you for reading to the end.
Have a nice encounter with artwork!
This was DE art.
Related Articles▶「作家 出口道吉 Artist Michiyoshi Deguchi」 ←You can find “From one of contemporary art studio.No.4” in this article.
Cooperation Gallery SUDOH
The copyright of the work is held by the artist. Please do not reproduce or reprint without permission.