blog 【すどう美術館】館長のひとりごと その59 「京都を楽しむ」 [ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] Part59 "I enjoyed Kyoto." 2024.06.19 blog
blog 【アートのある暮らし】部屋に掛けるアートをご紹介します! #1 【Life with Art】An introduction to art to hang in the rooms! #1 2024.06.17 blog
blog 【すどう美術館】館長のひとりごと その58 「NEW STORY」 [ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] Part58 "NEW STORY" 2024.06.07 blog
YouTube 【Video】Azusa Ito Exhibition “Shifting Seasons and Remnants of Memories”|Hideharu Fukasaku Gallery Roppongi You can watch a video of the Azusa Ito exhibition held at the Hideharu Fukasaku Gallery Roppongi , Tokyo. 2024.06.06 YouTube
blog 【アート作品販売サイト】DE art online store 始めました! 【Artwork sales website】DE art online store has been launched! 2024.05.29 blog
YouTube 【Video】The 25th Odawara “MOA” Exhibition This is the Odawara “MOA”!|Odawara Sannomaru Hall Watch a video of the 25th Odawara Moa Exhibition "This is the Odawara "MOA"! exhibition held at Odawara Sanmaru Hall in Odawara, Japan. 2024.05.22 YouTube
Artwork 【展覧会のお知らせ】すどう美術館企画展「NEW STORY」|ぎゃらりーぜん Information on Gallery SUDOH Exhibition "NEW STORY", including videos of artists, is presented here. 2024.05.18 Artwork
YouTube 【Video】”Shinichi Oikawa Exhibition MIZIKANAKATCHI”|Gallery YORI You can watch a video of the Shinichi Oikawa exhibition held at the Gallery YORI in Yoyogiuehara, Tokyo. 2024.05.13 YouTube
Artwork 【展覧会のお知らせ|Exhibition Information】伊藤あずさ展「移りゆく季節と記憶の残像」 Information on Azusa Ito Exhibition, including videos of previous exhibitions, is presented here. 2024.04.24 Artwork
blog 【すどう美術館】館長のひとりごと その57 後藤眞理子著「絵のある生活」 [ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] Part57 "Life with Pictures" by Mariko Goto 2024.04.23 blog