Artwork 【展覧会のお知らせ】宮塚春美 展ー色彩の旅路ー|ギャラリー上田 Information on "Harumi Miyatsuka exhibition –Journey of Colors–", including videos of previous exhibitions, is presented here. 2024.09.01 Artwork
Artwork 【展覧会のお知らせ】杉本裕子 展|中和ギャラリー Information on "Yuko Sugimoto Exhibition", including videos of previous exhibitions, is presented here. 2024.08.28 Artwork
Artwork 【展覧会のお知らせ】よい一日を!! 展 2024|Gallery For You(中和ギャラリー) 【Exhibition Information】「Have α good day !!」 Exhibition 2024|Gallery For You ( in CHUWA GALLERY ) 2024.08.27 Artwork
Artwork 【展覧会のお知らせ】大矢雅章 展 Constellation|GALLERY SAOH & TOMOS Information on "OHYA MASAAKI Exhibition Constellation", including videos of previous exhibitions, is presented here. 2024.08.14 Artworkblog
Artwork 【展覧会のお知らせ】第9回すどう美術館作品展 ー人間讃歌ー 菅 創吉 展|ぎゃらりーぜん The 9th Gallery SUDOH Exhibition - Hymn to Humanity - Sokichi Suga Exhibition|Gallery Zen 2024.08.14 Artworkblog
Artwork 【展覧会動画】すどう美術館企画展「NEW STORY」|ぎゃらりーぜん ぎゃらりーぜんで開催された「すどう美術館企画展 NEW STORY」の展覧会風景を動画でご覧いただけます。 2024.07.28 ArtworkYouTube
Artwork 【展覧会のお知らせ|Exhibition Information】金子牧 展|muni Information on Maki Kaneko Exhibition, including videos of previous exhibitions, is presented here. 2024.07.04 Artwork
blog 【すどう美術館】館長のひとりごと その59 「京都を楽しむ」 [ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] Part59 "I enjoyed Kyoto." 2024.06.19 blog
blog 【すどう美術館】館長のひとりごと その58 「NEW STORY」 [ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] Part58 "NEW STORY" 2024.06.07 blog