blog 【すどう美術館】館長のひとりごと その34「評伝田口雅巳」 [ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] Part34 "Masami Taguchi: A Critical Biography" 2023.02.11 blog
blog 【すどう美術館】館長のひとりごと その33 「わが生涯の輝ける日」 [ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] Part32 "The Brightest Day of My Life" 2023.01.25 blog
blog 【すどう美術館】館長のひとりごと その32 「館長の称号」 [ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] Part32 "To be called the director" 2023.01.25 blog
Artwork 【Contemporary art 】Japanese artist holds VR solo exhibition at a virtual gallery in Germany! You can see 4 exhibitions of Yuko Kawada with easy operation of [kunstmatrix]! 2023.01.23 Artworkblog
Artwork 【現代アート】ドイツのバーチャルギャラリーで日本人作家がVR個展開催! 【kunstmatrix】のかんたんな操作方法で川田祐子さんの展覧会が4つも見られます! 2023.01.23 Artworkblog
Artwork 【Video】Ben Oga Exhibition “Under the Deep Blue Sky” You can watch the video of the exhibition ! 2023.01.18 ArtworkYouTube
Artwork 【Video】Azusa Ito Exhibition ”Shifting Scenery and Remnants of Memory” You can watch the archived video of the exhibition ! 2023.01.13 ArtworkYouTube
Artwork 【Video】Keiko Ichimori Exhibition|Gallery HINOKI F You can watch the archived video of the exhibition ! 2022.12.28 ArtworkYouTube