blog 【すどう美術館】館長のひとりごと その58 「NEW STORY」 [ Gallery SUDOH director’s monologue ] Part58 "NEW STORY" 2024.06.07 blog
YouTube 【Video】Azusa Ito Exhibition “Shifting Seasons and Remnants of Memories”|Hideharu Fukasaku Gallery Roppongi You can watch a video of the Azusa Ito exhibition held at the Hideharu Fukasaku Gallery Roppongi , Tokyo. 2024.06.06 YouTube
YouTube 【展覧会動画】伊藤あずさ展「移りゆく季節と記憶の残像」|Hideharu Fukasaku Gallery Roppongi 六本木のHideharu Fukasaku Gallery Roppongi で開催された伊藤あずさ展の展覧会風景を動画でご覧いただけます。 2024.06.04 YouTube
blog 【アート作品販売サイト】DE art online store 始めました! 【Artwork sales website】DE art online store has been launched! 2024.05.29 blog
YouTube 【Video】The 25th Odawara “MOA” Exhibition This is the Odawara “MOA”!|Odawara Sannomaru Hall Watch a video of the 25th Odawara Moa Exhibition "This is the Odawara "MOA"! exhibition held at Odawara Sanmaru Hall in Odawara, Japan. 2024.05.22 YouTube
YouTube 【展覧会動画 】第25回小田原もあ展 This is the Odawara “MOA”!|小田原三の丸ホール 小田原三の丸ホールで開催された第25回小田原もあ展 This is the Odawara “MOA”!の展覧会風景を動画でご覧いただけます。 2024.05.22 YouTube
Artwork 【展覧会のお知らせ】すどう美術館企画展「NEW STORY」|ぎゃらりーぜん Information on Gallery SUDOH Exhibition "NEW STORY", including videos of artists, is presented here. 2024.05.18 Artwork
YouTube 【Video】”Shinichi Oikawa Exhibition MIZIKANAKATCHI”|Gallery YORI You can watch a video of the Shinichi Oikawa exhibition held at the Gallery YORI in Yoyogiuehara, Tokyo. 2024.05.13 YouTube
YouTube 【展覧会動画】及川伸一展 -みぢかなかたち-|Gallery YORI 代々木上原のGallery YORIで開催された及川伸一展の展覧会風景を動画でご覧いただけます。 2024.05.13 YouTube
Artwork 【展覧会のお知らせ|Exhibition Information】伊藤あずさ展「移りゆく季節と記憶の残像」 Information on Azusa Ito Exhibition, including videos of previous exhibitions, is presented here. 2024.04.24 Artwork