今回の動画は、作家のオーガ ベンさんの展覧会をご紹介します。楽しんで頂けたら嬉しいです。
「オーガ ベン パステル画展」 ーやさしい色のあしたー
2021年12月18日(土)〜12月27日(月) 11:00〜19:00(日曜日・最終日17:00まで)
【高校生最後のクリスマスにパステルセットをプレゼントで頂いてから、約20年間の長きにわたってパステルをメインの画材として使用してきました。色の美しさに加え指が筆であるかのように自在に画面に色を走らせ直感的に描くことがその理由だったと思います。今は絵具で描くことが主になりましたが、空想しているものを直感的に具現化する力をパステル時代に培うことが出来たからこそ今の絵があります。前回のアビアントの個展から2年が経ちますが世界は大きな変化の途上にあり、私達の暮らしもその激流の中にあると言っても過言ではありません。しかしどのように世界が変わろうとも個々の胸の内には不変の美しきものが生きる源として存在しているはずです。私もその不変のものはなんであるかを原点であるパステルを手に取って探ってみたいと思っています。 オーガ ベン】
DEアート インスタグラム ▶︎https://www.instagram.com/deart700
東京都墨田区吾妻橋1-23-30-101 30階建UR住宅棟1F
Tel.Fax. 03-3621-0278
東京メトロ銀座線・都営浅草線・東武伊勢崎線「浅草駅」より徒歩4分 ▶︎http://abientot.main.jp/
オーガ ベン
▶︎ https://instagram.com/oga_blue?
▶︎ https://instagram.com/the_ben_oga?
[ DE art ]
My concept is encounter with the work, to enjoy contemporary art at home.
The information is based on my experience working in a gallery.
Through the artists and their works, I’ll be offering suggestions that will make you feel closer to contemporary art, so stay tuned!
This video is about the exhibition of the artist Ben Oga. I hope you enjoy it.
Ben Oga Pastel Exhibition -A Gentle Color of Tomorrow-
Saturday, December 18, 2021 – Monday, December 27, 2021
11:00 – 19:00 (Sunday, until 17:00 on the last day)
The exhibition has ended.
For those of you who couldn’t make it to the venue during the exhibition, we’ve posted it on our blog so you can see it! Next time, please come to his exhibition!
Please see additional information below for current and upcoming exhibitions!
You Tube is above. Please check it out.
【After receiving a set of pastels as a gift at my last Christmas in high school, I have been using pastels as my main art medium for about 20 years. In addition to the beauty of the colors, I think the reason for this is that he paints intuitively, running colors across the screen as freely as if his fingers were brushes. Now I mainly paint with paints, but I am still able to paint today because I was able to cultivate the ability to intuitively realize what I was imagining in my pastel days. It has been two years since my last solo exhibition in Gallery A Bientot, but the world is undergoing great changes, and it is no exaggeration to say that our lives are also in the midst of this torrent. However, no matter how the world changes, there must be something unchanging and beautiful that exists within each of us as a source of life. I would like to explore what that unchanging thing is by picking up pastels, which is my starting point. Ben Oga】
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
You can also find us on Instagram.
DE art Instagram ▶︎https://www.instagram.com/deart700
Galleries and artists featured in the video
GALLERY A BIENTOT 101, 1-23-30 Azumabashi, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 30-story UR residential building 1F
Tel.Fax. 03-3621-0278
4 minutes walk from Asakusa Station (Tokyo Metro Ginza Line, Toei Asakusa Line, Tobu Isesaki Line) ▶︎http://abientot.main.jp/
Artists Ben Oga
▶︎ https://instagram.com/oga_blue?
Enjoy contemporary artworks in your home or office!
Please contact us if you have any questions about our work or if you would like to exhibit works.
Have a good encounter with contemporary art!
The copyright of the work remains with the artist. Please do not copy or reproduce without permission.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Sound source from VLLO(free version)